Thursday, November 7, 2013

Chocolate icing!

250gms Cooking chocolate bar
50-100ml Milk

Using Microwave:
  • Cut the bar in cubes and microwave it in low heat for 30 secs. Remove it and mix it and again heat it for 30 secs. Continue doing it till the chocolate melts.
  • After all the chocolate melts keep adding 1 tbp of milk at a time and mix it. Check the consistency how you want it to be. Don't make it too thin.
  • If you heat the chocolate continuously for more than 1 min it will burn. So be patient when you are doing it.
  • If you add the whole milk at once it will break or separate.
  • Once you start to add the milk please don't over mix it. The more you mix after adding milk the more it tends to separate.

Using regular stove:
  • Take a large cooking pot and fill it half with water. Take another small vessel which fits into this. Here you are creating a double boil method.
  • Add the chocolate cubes to this small vessel and keep string it continuously till the choco melts.
  • Now add milk 1 tbp at a time and mix it gently. Once the desired consistency is reached stop adding milk.
  • If you add the whole milk at once it will break or separate. 
  • Once you start to add the milk please don't over mix it. The more you mix after adding milk the more it tends to separate.
I prefer to use regular stove rather than microwave.

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