Monday, February 8, 2010

Tomato chutney

To serve 6 people:

• 600gms tomatoes
• Half lemon size of tamarind
• 2tbps of oil
• 1 ½ tbp of urad dal
• ¾ tbp of mustard seeds
• ¼ tbp of methi seeds
• Asafoetida a pinch
• 4 dry red chillies
• 5 green chillies
• 3 tbps of corinder leaves

• Heat oil in a pan and add methi seeds, urad dal, mustard seeds, asafoetida and dry red chillies. Fry for about 2mins and grind it to a smooth paste.
• In the same oil fry chopped tomatoes, tamarind and green chillies.
• Fry till the water evaporates and it starts to become thicker.
• Let it cool down and mix the above grinded powder with coriander leaves, tomato paste and salt.
• Now grind them all together. Serve hot with rice, roti or dosa.

• While grinding the seasoning try to drain oil as much as u can else it will not be grinded properly.
• Tamarind adds taste to the chutney.
• You can also add 50 ml of tomato puree when u r frying the tomatoes.

1 comment:

  1. That looks nice. I have to try once and am sure it will taste good
